The first gift I wrapped was a large box, and it was heavy. However, I didn't realize how much trouble I would have. I ripped the paper initially, but kept going. I taped it together. Eventually, I tore it again and started over.
The next gift I had didn't fit in the box I had for it. So rather than finding another box I cut a hole in the top of the box and part of the present protruded through the opening. Then I just wrapped over it.
For the holidays I bought one role of snowmen paper, a bag of bows that had 52 bows (I needed 5) and a pack of 180 to/from tags (I also needed 5 of those).
I considered including more info in my blog, but I thought it might be funnier just to let the pics speak for themselves.
Some people were offended by the title, but I don't think most women would have as much trouble as I had wrapping the gifts. Nor do I think they would have continued to use the box after discovering it was too small.
I am a poor wrapper too, but maybe I'm an atypical female (I have male-ish handwriting writing too)