About This Blog:

On my main blog I try use humor with the goal of depicting my thoughts in a way that will entertain the reader. On this blog I write my thoughts without any goal in mind.

I would suggest not reading further.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Eating Poorly

Last week I asked one of my colleagues where he wanted to eat during our dinner break from class. He responded, "You probably want to go somewhere healthy and expensive so..." The implication was two strikes against me. I guess it is nice to know I'm gaining this image. I wouldn't have fit this "healthy" category previously in my life.

Today I threw out all the principals. At lunch I had a McDonalds reward party for my kids. I had to be there to supervise the activity. I teach class immediately before and after lunch. So my break is short. It was just easier for me to partake; I ate a McChicken.

We had Open House from 5:00-6:30pm. I have class from 5:30pm-9:00pm. To minimize the amount of class I would miss I picked up Subway at 4:00. Unfortunately, I left the sandwich in my classroom and didn't realize it until I was a few minutes away from campus. When I arrived at class five minutes remained in the dinner break. I ran over to Taco Bell.

I must have broke at least five personal principals by making this trip:
I ate fast food.
I paid for the same meal twice.
I got in a car and drove three blocks to get to my desired location.
I ate fast food twice in one day.
I didn't even try to order something healthy once I arrived at the fast food place (I had 3 soft taco supremes-- bringing back old memories).

In the year 2009 I've had fast food twice.

Once at noon. Once at 7:00.

Sad, but true.

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