I am going to brainstorm my ideas on topics here.
- You can't change other people
- Myth: Everything happens for a reason
- Not all AVID classes are created equal
- Not all AVID classes are taught by me
- Life is not fair
- Some things in life will be tougher for you than they were for me
- Drugs can cause you to do things you'll regret
- School's a Game-- Make sure you get enough points to win
- Some people still live with prejudices
- You can go your whole life without ever getting into a physical fight
- Carrying a gun will make you more likely to get shot at
- There is a reason certain money for college is out there for minority groups-- if you qualify go for it.
- Some people in your life may not be good role models; find good ones
- There is stuff to learn from your elders
- You don't have to live paycheck to paycheck
You could use "myths" as your theme...as in, Myth: Life is Fair.